Initial exploration and introduction to the community.
A period of discernment and introduction to community life.
A year of intense formation and study.
A period of temporary commitment to the community.
A lifelong commitment to the community.
May this write-up inspire and guide those discerning a vocation to religious life, as they respond to God's call to serve and love.
Postulancy is a formative period – normally one year – in which the young person is helped to make a free and responsible choice of our way of life by accepting to enter the novitiate.
The aim of this period of formation is: To build up the candidate’s human and Christian formation and culture with a thorough catechesis. To test her vocation in the community environment. To give her an opportunity to find out if this is the Congregation to which God is calling her. To prepare her gradually to pass from the life of the world to a life in the religious Congregation.
For admission it is required that the candidate:
The novitiate is a time of decisive formation for the religious life. It offers the first lived-experience of life in the Institute. The essential elements of this period of formation are: An introduction to Sacred Scripture which is central to the spiritual, doctrinal, liturgical and ascetical formation. The study of the documents of the Magisterium of the Church. A deeper catechesis. The knowledge and observance of the Constitutions of the Poor Sisters of Our Lady. An initiation into the living of the vows in deep union with God in prayer-life.
To strengthen unconditional love for Christ. To foster the progressive and integral development of the human person. To grow in the capacity for discernment and personal responsibility. To become aware of the human and social conditions in Society.
To grow in the love of Mary. The Novitiate is normally for a period of two years where for the first year the entire focus is on the religious formation. In the second year, the novice is examined with regard to her attitude towards the apostolic activity to which the Institute is committed and tests her perseverance in prayer and union with God. The Novitiate is conducted at Ish Prabha, Andheri, Mumbai.
When the novice is ready to make her first vows, she enters the Juniorate: this represents the first experience of fidelity to the vows just taken and extends from first vows to perpetual profession. During this six year period, the vows are renewed annually. The aim of the Juniorate is: Preparation for final, deliberate and mature consecration of oneself to God for life, through spiritual, doctrinal training and living.
Living up to the spirit of the Institute by cultivating a childlike trust in Divine Providence in all the events of life. Progressive initiation into the specific apostolate of the Institute according to our charism, as a response to the call of God and of the Church integrated with a continuous personal formation for life. Juniors are assigned to various houses of the Institute, at the discretion of the Mother General and the Council, in order to be exposed to the nature and work of the Institute.
At the end of this period of intense spiritual, emotional and intellectual formation the candidate should be ready for admission to perpetual profession – there is no coercion for the candidate to take this step. On the contrary, the candidate is allowed to realize for herself that the religious state, to which she is committing herself deliberately for life, is for her a means of perfection and greater love rather than a burden too heavy to carry.
A candidate is free, at any given time, during the Postulancy, Novitiate and Juniorate, to leave if she so desires. Please also see our Frequently Asked Questions which may help to a clearer understanding. You are also free to contact us at any time using the link from our website. We are happy to answer your questions.
The Poor Sisters Of Our Lady prays for the members of the congregation, lay associates, collaborators and all people of the world. In addition to community prayer, we have a separate prayer time set aside daily, for intentions.
We invite you to send your prayer requests to us for : serious illness, operation/surgery, family, employment, examinations, repose of the soul of a loved one, private personal intention.