
With Mary and our Founder, we walk passionately in the footsteps of Christ, rejuvenating ourselves to bring abundance of life in our Ministries.


To renew our life of prayer through a personal encounter with Christ.
To make our communities homes, then reach out to the unreached.
Upgrading ourselves to be prophetic women religious.
To promote vocations and plunge into new apostolates along with our PSOL Companions.
To restructure our strategies for governance, economy, and apostolate.


To renew our life of prayer through a personal encounter with Christ.
To make our communities homes, then reach out to the unreached.
Upgrading ourselves to be prophetic women religious.
To promote vocations and plunge into new apostolates along with our PSOL Companions.
To restructure our strategies for governance, economy, and apostolate.


With Mary and our Founder, we walk passionately in the footsteps of Christ, rejuvenating ourselves to bring abundance of life in our Ministries.

Our Founder : 
Msgr George Fernandes

Msgr. George Fernandes, the Founder of the Poor Sisters of Our Lady (PSOL) and a priest of the Archdiocese of Bombay, was declared a Servant of God on September 14, 2019.

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A Call to Serve and Evangelize

The apostolate in the Church refers to the mission and work carried out by the faithful to spread the Gospel and serve others in the name of Christ.


A vocation to religious life is a unique and personal call from God to dedicate one's life to serving Him and His people. It is a journey of faith, discernment, and commitment, guided by the Holy Spirit.

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Formation includes 5 stages Inquiry, Postulancy, Novitiate, Temporary Vows and Perpetual Vows.

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Prayer Request

The Poor Sisters Of Our Lady prays for the members of the congregation, lay associates, collaborators and all people of the world. In addition to community prayer, we have a separate prayer time set aside daily, for intentions.

We invite you to send your prayer requests to us for :  serious illness, operation/surgery, family, employment, examinations, repose of the soul of a loved one, private personal intention.

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