We are 8 in number that is 3 sisters and 5 candidates. Two juniors sisters teach First Communicant and Confirmation children also go to different school to take religion classes of Catholic students. Sr Margaret gives classes to the candidates especially prayers, Bible, Eucharist. Candidates also help in the church like cleanliness, and preparing for Holy Mass. They also do gardening and many other skills in the convent. May our Founder George Fernandes bless us.
In 2005 at the invitation of the Bishop of Diocese of Kahama Sisters began the first community at the Morning Star Convent, Ushirombo, the Sisters teach the Minor Seminarians and run the Diocesan St. Aloysius Gonzaga English Medium Primary School.
At the Mary Seat of Wisdom Convent, Kahama, the Sisters teach and provide facilities of
St. Agnes Formation House, Kahama, Africa was established in 2013. The purpose of the House to train postulants and the novices to become future religious sister belonging to the Poor Sisters.
In Ushirombo, we have a primary school from KG to 7th Standard. Although it is a Diocesan School, our Sisters dedicate their whole hearted service. The school educates the boys and girls of the area. One Sister (Sr. Delilah) is engaged in Seminary School as a Formator for the Future Priests. The Seminary stands out for its excellency academically. In Kahama we run a Computer centre, where our Sisters teach basic computer programs. A good number of students from the surrounding area take advantage of this service.
In Pastoral Outreach, the Sisters encourage the SCCs, animate the children’s Mass, conduct paraliturgical services, pray the Rosary with families, attend to liturgical needs, distribute Holy Communion, and also pray Lauds with parishioners.
The Poor Sisters Of Our Lady prays for the members of the congregation, lay associates, collaborators and all people of the world. In addition to community prayer, we have a separate prayer time set aside daily, for intentions.
We invite you to send your prayer requests to us for : serious illness, operation/surgery, family, employment, examinations, repose of the soul of a loved one, private personal intention.